
melbourne australia

I get a bit bored when I am not working but thankfully when I come home from work my sister in England is awake and my two nephews still have that morning buzz about them.

I find mornings are the best time with them as they always seem so happy to be finally out of bed and their bedroom. You would think my oldest nephew had just done hard time in a maximum prison and had just been released and not tasted freedom for years.

I get to jump on FaceTime and chat with them whilst they get ready for the day ahead. When my oldest nephew has had enough of singing and dancing for me he just puts me on the shelf next to his books or I get placed in a box with the lid put back on it.

The video is still going so I can hear everyone and I end up having to shout to my sister to come and rescue me.

facetime,nephews,apple facetime,nephews,apple