You searched for XMAS-DAY-SANDRINGHAM-BEACH and I was busy and found 117 records .. here they are

Lockdown 3

Lockdown 3

Victoria has begun its circuit breaker five-day lockdown, in an effort to curb the spread of the deadly UK coronavirus strain in the community..

Dog Sitting with Chase

Dog Sitting with Chase

I got to look after Chase today as the weather was so warm. I took him early for a walk around Albert Park Lake.

61-day streak

61-day streak

Victoria's 61-day streak of zero community cases came to an end as three community cases were identified, linked to the New South Wales outbreak.

House and Dog Sitting

House and Dog Sitting

I am having the best xmas break house sitting in Seaford right near the beach and as a bonus it comes with 2 dogs .. and a cat.

Valentines Day

Valentines Day

It is Valentines Day and I am single so why not celebrate by not celebrating with some cocktails and seafood.

Invasion Day

Invasion Day

The 26th of January is a date that causes more debate than no other public holiday around the world. Is it Australia Day? Invasion Day? Day of Morning? Who the bloody hell knows.

Sandringham Beach

Sandringham Beach

It is the start of 2020 and my first and hopefully one of many trips to the beach.

Beach Day

Beach Day

The summer has just started and I am off work so I headed down to Sandringham Beach and thankfully did not get arrested for exposing my pasty white legs for the first time this summer.

Merry Christmas 2019

Merry Christmas 2019

Melbourne has got the light projections out again beaming displays onto landmarks like Flinders Street Station.