Well today is my 30th , but as this web site is still working in UK time it will probably show up as yesterday. Anyway, the award for the first congratulations goes to Mandy who served the first greeting at 4am and then again at 4.30am. You win the star prize, you get mentioned in this most important posting.
Award for best pressie goes to Marcus , who just doubled my wardrobe and has enabled me to come into work this morning looking smart rather than the creased look with loads of fluff, (seems to come from my towels, but surely after 3 months they should stop, if this continues there will be nothing left of them.) I usually go for.
Award for biggest mistake goes to Vicki who failed to put her name on the card.
Some facts about being 30 from the new book http://www.bookofages.com/
You've already lost 10 percent of your muscle mass. But don't despair. At 30, Harrison Ford was working as a carpenter, and neither Oprah nor Jane Austen had found fame. Edvard Munch's famous painting The Scream? Created at 30. And, most heartening, you're still getting it on 2.24 times a week.
These are but a few of the factoids, demographic stats, quotes, biographical sketches, and sage and not so sage observations in Book of Ages 30, an illustrated book that chronicles this landmark birthday and the decade that follows. Featuring everything you ever wanted to know about your 30's and a few things you probably didn't Book of Ages 30 offers a chance to reflect on past accomplishments, look ahead to future successes, and completely freak out all at the same time.
Birthday Joke