44 Celsius Heat Wave

melbourne australia

What a crazy week in Melbourne. Temperatures hit 44ºC which to Europe is around 111.2ºF. At 5.52am the temperature was 31.8. I woke up to find my water bed had burst a leak and then remembered I don't have a water bed! LOL

It is very hard to fry (my oven is broke) and then discover your flat is full of smoke , so you have to open the balcony before the smoke alarm goes off but it is like opening an oven and getting a blast of hot air rushing in. I do not know how people live in places like Dubai and stay sane.

The train journey home tonight though was very funny. I was squashed into a corner with some very entertaining and good humoured people. The Australian spirit was in full force tonight, apart from two tools by the door.

So I want to big up to all the end carriage on the 5pm Cranbourne or Pakenham from Flagstaff. I was the one shouting 10 getting out at South Yarra LOL

I am so looking forward to the cool change coming, where are you?

Melbourne 44 degrees Melbourne 44 degrees