Alex Kidd VS Kidd Kaos

melbourne australia

What a crazy week here in Melbourne, I have been working days and nights to get some code ready for a release last Saturday and Alex Kidd was in town with his entourage playing against Kidd Kaos who I had never heard play before and it was great night.

I got about 5 hours sleep on Wednesday and Thursday night and planned to leave the office around 2pm on Friday so I could go home and get some sleep before meeting up with Alex. I walked out of the office after 5pm and made a decision I would not be able to make the club so I met up with them for dinner and after chilled back at the hotel whist they waited for the club to open and get busy.

When around midnight Alex was ready to go I said I would walk him to the door and then go home, once outside the club I thought I would just pop my head in to see what it looked like and ended up staying around for the set. Although at one point some massive guy tried to evict me from backstage as I had no pass on until he realised that neither did Alex Kidd and Kidd Kaos and he could not throw them out. In the middle of Alex playing he started pumping out Oasis which was great to bring some Manchester music into the Melbourne hard house scene.

I then got another 5-6 hours sleep to wake up to a pile of e-mails for some last minute changes so spent the day (Saturday) working then I had to go into the office at 11pm to launch the code.

I woke up Sunday to discover some rash which appeared on Saturday had got worse and was spreading, it turns out I have had a reaction to something, I think it was that Chinese I ate on Friday night or maybe just my body reacting to going out.

It is now just after 5pm on Sunday and I am going to switch try and stay away from the computer and relax and watch a film.