I have been watching the weather all week and it was confirmed there was rain in Spain which I always thought fell mainly in the plain. I decided to change my flight and delay my holiday to Spain by three days to let the wet weather pass. The Daily Mail even had a story titled, So was Marbella such a good idea?
We have been basking in glorious sun in Manchester and as I have now moved from my sisters to my parents house I also have an amazing balcony and decking to enjoy it on. I can honestly say I have had an amazing three weeks in Manchester and the weather being so glorious and Wembley has definitely helped.
As I am the last member of the family leaving to go to Spain I am now travelling on my own with a suitcase containing female underwear, kids clothes and toys so I pray I do not get stopped by security or I will have a lot of explaining to do.
I am delighted to say Jayden has had his cast off and progress is looking good and I am very excited to meet him out in Spain with a suitcase packed full of his toys and a few additional surprises for him which his grandma is going to hate.
Simon Donn Whitefield Balcony