

manchester united kingdom

I went to the football last weekend to see Manchester City play Fulham and as the weather was so cold I swapped my season ticket for one in the directors box with heated seats and nice cup of soup at half time. The club even switched on the seat warmers before we got there so they were all nice and warm.

It was a good game, nice and relaxing and an easy 3 points. We did however get stuck in the snow on the way home which was a nightmare but thankfully four lads helped push us down the street until we hit the main road.

You can see by the pictures how bad the weather got from the start of the game to the end as the snow kept falling.

On Sunday we are supposed to be driving down to Aston Villa but we are going to have to watch the weather as I do not fancy getting stuck down there with snow predicted to fall heavily in Birmingham on Saturday.

snow,fulham,Manchester City snow,fulham,Manchester City