You searched for FLIGHT-CANCELLED and I was busy and found 10 records .. here they are

Melbourne to Manchester

Melbourne to Manchester

I have not been back to Europe in over 19 months which is the second longest time away from my family and friends since I moved to Australia 15 years ago.

Qatar Airways

Qatar Airways

My first experience flying with Qatar Airways and when I finish my therapy I will update this post with my experience ... fyi it was not good

Amanda Leaves

Amanda Leaves

Amanda goes back to Australia and leaves me all alone in Spain.

Flight Home

Flight Home

Flight Home

Flight Cancelled

Flight Cancelled

Flight Cancelled

Flight Booked

Flight Booked

I have booked my flight back to Melbourne and as I do not have any credit card linked to my Emirates account I have decided to try another route back home.

Leaving Melbourne

Leaving Melbourne

After a long day at work I left Melbourne at midnight to go first to England and then onto Spain to meet up with my family. I had trouble staying awake for my fight and I was petrified that I would fall asleep at home and miss it.

Commuting to Leeds

Commuting to Leeds

I have had a nightmare the past two weeks as VISA cancelled my cards due to a security breach and as there were two public holidays it took two weeks for replacements to arrive.

Cancelling Foxtel

Cancelling Foxtel

I have started to give notice on some services and Thursday was Foxtel night. I am always hesitant about contacting them as from past experience they always make a mistake and cut me off early. A good example was when I came out to Australia from England and the electricity was terminated 3 days earlier than arranged, and to make it worse I was working on my computer at the time.