You searched for VICTORIA and I was busy and found 10 records .. here they are

Lockdown 3

Lockdown 3

Victoria has begun its circuit breaker five-day lockdown, in an effort to curb the spread of the deadly UK coronavirus strain in the community..

Double Donut

Double Donut

It is double donut day in Melbourne with zero new cases and zero deaths.

State of Disaster

State of Disaster

On 2 August, a state of disaster was declared and metropolitan Melbourne shifted to Stage 4 restrictions.

Lockdown 2

Lockdown 2

We had Lockdown 1 and thought that was bad, then we had a State Of Emergency declared and now we have Lockdown part 2. When will this all end?

State of Emergency

State of Emergency

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause respiratory infections. These can range from the common cold to more serious diseases.

State Library

State Library

After living in Melbourne for over 15 years I finally managed to get inside the State Library Victory on White Night Melbourne 2019.

End of Summer

End of Summer

Today is the last day of summer in Melbourne, Victoria and it is a sad day. There will be no more heat waves and lazy weekends at the beach.

Flash Floods

Flash Floods

Melbourne has been hit with flash floods after Yasi hit Queensland and then travelled inland which has seen the build up in moisture spreading south causing flooding in many areas.

Melbourne Weather

Melbourne Weather

This is the satellite view of Australia and as you can see it is covered in clouds, apart from Perth where the weather always seems to be hot and sunny.